Saturday, July 18, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave part 3

welcome back to the rant. todays topic is near and dear to my heart.OUR PLANET,now I realize that you have to be a lieing,cheating, worthless shit,in order to be a politician[just read any paper or watch the news]I mean come on now.what do we have just in the last 2-3 weeks? another govener in a sex scandal,one caught taking bribes,ex mayor and crack addict marion berry busted in fl. all this just goes to show us once again, that the morality of our elected officials is in serious doubt. however the real question of the day is. how stupid do you have to be to get elected? for years now the scientific community has been fighting about global warming,and most [70% + -] now agree that it is indeed upon us.yet the "powers that be" still have thier collective heads in the sand[or up thier ass in most case's] they claim ,oh our planet goes through these changes over time as all the evidence of the studies show us. ah so grasshopper,this is true to a degree. our planet does heat up and cool down in cycles.we do have ice ages and melts,however these changes usualy occur over long periods of is generaly thought that it takes approx. a few 1,000 yrs to change the temp. of the earth a degree or 3.we however are managing to do it in the span of 100 yrs. yet most republicans,simply brush aside all who, would warn us about the dangers of green house gas's. al gore has been called a lunatic or heritic[depend's on who's speaking] for pushing to reduce these color me a fool, but where the hell do these assholes in charge,think we're gonna go if our planet is so toxic,our atmosphere,so polluted that it can no longer grow food or shelter us from the uv rays we all know our sun puts out.their refusal to admit that our use of fossil fuels,has sped up the procces of global change,puts all of our lives plus, those of our children at risk.we generate 1,000,000 times the carbon out put that 10,000 yrs of human development did through its entire climb from caves to huts.NEVER IN THE HISTORY of our planet have the temps risen as fast as they are the polar ice caps melt off,they change the ocean salinity,thus changing the currents of warm water that fuel our weather,and warm our planet. moral of my rant? if we let these greedy asshole's keep f***ing up our air and dont start IMPLEMENTING the changes to clean up our world. we'll be just as dead as the dino's and not nearly as quickly. I'm fury and I'm still pissed.

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