Friday, July 17, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave

here I am you see we changed colors today to show how angry I am about this next rant.where the hell is all this stimulus money at? the gov. takes tax money to "help boost" the economy,yet we ordinary folk just dont seem to get any of they say,were going to fix the infra structure of america,and provide all these construction jobs,but so far it's just hot air.that will be nice this winter when a couple million more of us construction workers are on the street.maybe thier bullshit will keep us warm.I know it takes time for the projects to be planned,and bid out,but lets get real. what do ya want to bet that our favorite contract construction firm ,HALLIBURTON ends up with an absoulute boat load of these contracts. its going to be iraq in america.old boy cronies of the establishment getting the cream of the work and the rest of us fighting for the usual the middle and lower class suck it, while the richest just keep on rakeing it in. as americas homeowners,are being kicked out of the homes they sweated,and bled for,where is the relief they were promised? we can spend hundreds of billions to bail out the financial firms that put us in this f***ing mess,but cant seem to find a paltry few billion to help the people the made them rich to start with? if the gov. will help the people avoid bankrutcy,and foreclosure.then it will relive part of the glut of house's that are pouring on the market and driving down the prices of existing homes.but nooooo. that wouldnt be fair now would it.the poor banks might have to lose out on the chance to sell the house again after it made a fat profit the first time.I mean after all the gov. is giving them money to stay solvent,so they arent really losing all that much after all are they? so, where does that leaves us unemployed? waiting for the banks to cut loose the money the gov. gave them to loan us,to get this country back to work. as unemployment hits 10% nationaly,and over that in some states .the real question once again is ,WHERE THE HELL IS THE STIMULUS MONEY? answer: sitting in the bank accrueing intrest FOR THE BANK!!! this is fury and I'm still pissed.

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