Monday, July 20, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 4

welcome back. todays rant will be short on one subject[maybe]and long on another. M.J I know I know.dont get me wrong here. I RESPECT the man. he was one hell of a talented individual.a little strange to be sure,but what truly talented artist isn't.even elvis[god rest his soul ] was a strange duck.I guess it comes with all the pressure of being a TRUE superstar,not a legend in your own mind.this being said,enough of the bulls**t hype about his death.ya can't turn on the tv,computer, or radio,and not hear his life story....FOR THE 1,000 th TIME. let the man rest for at least a month before you ,make everyone hate even hearing his name.....nuff said. back to political bs. womens softball. I can hear ya'll out there ,going what the f**k? well here it goes. the I.O.C[intrnat'l olympic comm.] has taken the sport off the list of 26 events for the 2012 games.Why do you ask ? simple cause we [the us of a ] generaly kick the shit out of EVERYBODY in the world in compition.our last loss was to japan in the last games. they got the gold, we got silver.never the less they still felt that "we dominate the field too much". if thats the case we better loss the basketball games too,cause we kick the shit outa the world there too.or maybe take away the diving cause the chinese dominate that about losing the hockey? dont the russians seem to dominate that sport? once again , just bescause the US. can rip people a new one, in a sport the world wants to riegn us in . to me this sounds like days of old where the soviet block ALWAYS gave the US bad marks in whatever sport they [LOL]"judged".if you feel like I do you can find out more at BACKSOFTBALL.COM . if we all bitch about it, we may get it back for the 2016 games. don't we owe it to ALL the girls that play this game to show that we support their efforts. not to mention the world at large,that they can't shit on us just because we're better at a game than they are? these girls are TOUGH, [they play in shorts ] if you think its easy to slide into base in shorts look at the road rash some of these girls pickup. the skill to hit a fast pitch softball is'nt easy to aquire and takes as much work and dedication as any baseball player puts in to hone his skill's,the ball comes at you at 60-65 mph from 60 ft. thats the same as a major league fast ball at 100 mph from 90 ft. so lets start to bitch to our "elected" official's ,and put the squeeze on the I.O.C , and get our girls back out on the field. I'm fury and I'm still pissed later. ps. the gals just beat the world again ...usa over the aussie's in the KFC world championships.. final talley usa won 5 games to 0 losses thats kicking ASS... fury.

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