Friday, August 9, 2019

welcome to the rant 24

welcome back, ok so here we go guns, and those who own them, and misuse them.  this is a sore subject for many in this country and around the world.. how the hell do we stop the loonies from mass shootings?? answer: WE DON'T.... if ya really, really want to start a civil war in this country just try, I do mean try to take our weapons..we as a country, were born by the gun, and we damn sure will die by it as well. we are the ONLY nation, which was founded by the use of rifles, and pistols as our main weapons to conquer . other nations have used them to overthrow, or subvert existing cultures. but we are the ONLY ones to take an entire continent by their use alone.. as opposed to swords,bow an arrows, spear, etc. this defined us as a people, its in our constitution, that we should have a well armed militia. at the time, that meant everybody [men] had a rifle,or shotgun at least.  as we out grew the militia needs, we as a people decided, that the 2nd amendment,[supported by the courts ] meant we the PEOPLE, could own and bear arms so to prevent govt, from overruling, or turning into a monarchy, despot run, ect.. form of is the problem.. while to many of folk , liberals, dem's, or other's of semi passive bent. we gotta get rid of the guns... its a nice thought but will take a war to achieve. I myself am a believer in private ownership of weapons. until there are no robbers, rapist, thieves, or murderers, out there ya gotta have the ability to defend yourself. in this time its a gun. in old times a a sword or bow, or spear ya get it. now lets talk about the loonies. yeah I know they kill a buttload of peeps when they go off.. that said lets just look at my favorite response to this latest pair of loonie induced shootings.. from neil degasse tyson: on avg in 48 hrs we lose 500 to med errors,300 to the flu,250 to suicide,200 to car wrecks,and 40 more to pure on gun violence... thats 1250 deaths in 2 days to non gun violence... the 20 gun deaths a day given the 300,000,000 peeps that inhabit the U.S aint shit .. if you add up all the peeps killed in these 'mass" shootings,over a ten year span, you still have less than we lose on a daily basis to non gun deaths..i realize that this was not what the peeps wanted, they want outrage, retribution, every gun off the street. I want the docs, nurses held accountable for their part in the 500 dead patients. do ya hear a clamor for their heads??? fuck no. lets just sensationalize the nutbag w/ a gun. I agree w/ the background checks for all purchase of weps, at all shops, and trade shows. but ya also hav'ta realize that a good percenage of gun sales are between ordinary peeps. not shops, or shows. so whats next ?? " high capacity mags"  I agree that a 50 to 100 round drum is exessive dont u? until u get to defend your home with a bolt action 5 shot rifle.. and the attackers have 30+ round mags, or drums.  WHATS DA CHANCE O DAT???? not likely unless your damn unlucky, or the feds or[ nowadays just the cops  want yer ass.] they gonna come at ya w/ everything including armored vehicles, tear gas. full combat assault all comes back to our founding fathers, who KNEW that power corrupts, and that they will use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.. to protect that power and privilege.. so WE THE PEOPLE had best never, give up this right of ours to bear arms. we will have to suffer w/ the loonies, but at least the powerful, and monied, are kept somewhat at bay by the sheer fact so many of us DO have weapons, and we WILL put up a fight for our rights , this helps to level the playing field a little as they cant just steamroll us, they have to bamboozle, and coerce, and otherwise bullshit us into believing they are "protecting" us, that they care about us.   here are a few stats I found to give us some perspective  DEATHS BY GUN: 36,383 ...... suicide  22,274...homicide 12,830..unintentional..487...shot by cops 496[believed in this case to be underreported]  WOUNDED BY GUN:   100,120...  assault 76,258... unintentional 18,362.. self harm 4,149... shot by cops 1,350. [stats by everytown for gun safety]  now lets just take a look at all other kinds of death shall we??  heart disease..647,474 [WOW]..cancer 599,108... again wow!   accidental injuries.. 169,936... lung disease  160,120... stroke 146,383... diabetes  83,564...flu 55,000...suicide 47,173....DEATH BY CAR: 37,133  now those are some serious stats.  it would seem that cars are just as fuckin dangerous as a gun . and if you look at the overall pic just being sick is the cause of 2,008,758 deaths... I am more concerned w/ the car death/ gun death , but again,more than half of all gun death is suicide..  now these stats are also a bit misleading as you get more in NYC. than in buffalo, more in LA. than stockton, in fact I'd bet every dollar I got, the MORE PEOPLE THE MORE SHOOTERS.. urban shooters account for more deaths on the whole, but it's the suburban loonies that get the press.. the outrage.. thats cause the urban shooter KNOWS, he gonna face retribution from the peeps.. his family will b targeted, his friends, his f' in dog.. you don't see this as much, there are exceptions. las vegas for one, lubys way back. in this case , he traveled from dallas to el paso.  maybe he figured he would find more targets[ poor minorities] there than dallas, when your driven by anger and rhetoric, u aint really thinking too straight or you'd come up w/ a better solution to begin w/.  so here we are cause and effect... what cause's these fuckers ta go off?? were they bullied, picked on, or just did'nt fit in?  do they just have so much hate, and apathy, they HAVE to strike out?? or is it as simple as they are just, fucking idiots, and have no self control, or self worth and need to show the world they were here and in their mind " accomplished" something.. I for one, damn sure don't know, ..but I do know this... I'm still fury, an I'm still pissed, so till next time...


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