Tuesday, July 21, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 5

welcome back to the rant,todays subject:religion,or the stupidity of some. in an article written,by rob hotakanen today. I came to once again, cringe at the overall stupidity ,of american law and our court system. it seems that a few of the disgrunteled aatheists among us,in this case the FREEDOM FROM RELEGION FOUNDATION from Wis. have decided to sue the US gov. why do you ask? why ,because they want to put the US mantra" in God we trust" up on some gov. buildings. now I'm all for freedom of religion [or lack therof ].I personaly dont give a rats ass, what religion you want to belive in be it God, budda, shiva, Allah or whoever. thats what the 1st amendment is all about.if these dumbass fool's would even read the damn thing I wouldn't have ta bitch at them. but noooo.. these fools want to jam up our courts with their trivial BS lawsuit.as if that's not bad enough the US gov is stupid enough to LET them do it. so now instead of dealing with REAL issues,our courts have to listen to this load of crap. oh by the way who get's to pay for this? why it's your tax dollars of course .we're ass deep in the worst ressesion since the end of WW 2, and these clowns want to waste our money on this shit.if you DONT LIKE the words in God we trust,GET THE F**K out of my country.too many of my brothers have fought and ,DIED for those words ,and there's a lot more of them out there,on the combat lines in AFGAN..and IRAQ. right now who are doing the same, for you worthless weasel's. it pain's, and gall's me to let you individuals [I REALLY want to call you something else,but will curb my tongue ] breath the same air as these brave men and women. if you don't want to belive in a higher power FINE,but keep yer ass out of the way of the rest of us who do. stop wasting our money on your petty BS and let us do something construcive with it. like maybe putting people back to work,and I'm not talking about lawyers [thats for another rant ] thats it for now. but remember,I'm fury and I'm still pissed. later

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