Tuesday, July 21, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 6

welcome back to the rant,well we're gonna do a second rant today' as I just saw this on the web ,and am soooo!!!! pissed off I just got to vent on it. our fearless leader and his cronies,have REALLY stuck it to us this time. they just passed defence bill, S.1390 . and what you ask is this? well let me tell you. this good friends is the end of our PREMIRE,I repeat, OUR PREMIRE air to air defence fighter. this is a stealth fighter, that ONE ELSE, in the world can defend against. its fast,mach 2+, highly manuvererable, can carry ANYTHING in our air to air arsenal , is ALREADY being produced,and best of all NO ONE,repeat NO ONE can see it because its stealthy .as of today we have 187 of these planes. the original goal was to produce 250 - 380 of these planes to safely see us into the future,because we all know, that our fine friends, in the world are ALL ,so peaceful,.and just LOVE us sooo. much!! and just what do they want to replace it with? think REAL hard now! give up? a F**KING BOMBER. thats right, the f/35 a sloow,easy to shoot down, cause its slow, bomber .now granted it too ,is stealthy but IT'S A BOMBER. thats like bringing a knife to a gun fight. now if you follow the military at all you know that we already got a badass bomber in our inventory the FA/18 super hornet[ by the way FA stands for fighter/ attack ] that was kinda shoved down our throats,a few yr's back. now I grant ya its not stealthy,and we DO NEED to upgrade to the f/35, but to replace the FA/18 as a bomber. NOT the F/22. which is ment to replace the F/16 fighter. to match a bomber against a fighter,such as the mig 29. russia's BADASS fighter,is to invite disaster. we need to give our fighter jocks the BEST equipment to kick our enemys ass's soo hard they do like the IRAQI'S did and RUN to hide their planes rather than let us shoot them down.on top of all these reasons to keep on making these planes, the decision to cut prodution is going to cost over 90,000 that right 90,000 jobs. 25,000 in the building,and MORE THAN 70,000 in support jobs. these are jobs in some of the hardest hit states, during this recession. so here it comes,obama promise's jobs and turns around and just REAMS the SHIT out of us. moral of the story? ALL POLITICIANS ARE LYING CHEATING,WORTHLESS SHITS as always I'm fury and I'm still REALLY pissed off. for more on the main story read: senate sides with obama,by jim abrams a.p writer.

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