Wednesday, July 22, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 7

welcome back to the we are, back on the economy again.todays rant: the housing market [or lack therof ]. in an article by luke mullen ,of the US news. the housing market iS STILL in major crisis mode. it seems the feet dragging ,of our "esteemed" leader's, in both the house and senate, continue to boggle the mind. for some reason that I just can' t understand,[maybe you can?] they REFUSE to acknowledge, the fact that the continued rise in foreclosures,in this country will undermine ALL efforts to pull us out of this recession. what the hell are these people thinking? even though, WE [ through our tax dollars ] have shelled out BILLIONS. [ its REALLY trillions!!! ][ another rant to follow ] the bulk of the money sent to banks to help bail out the homeowners of this nation has yet to be distributed. as the foreclosure numbers continue to climb,1.5 MIILION in the last 6 months, which by the way is a 15% increase over this time LAST year. that puts the total foreclosures at around 8-10 MILLION HOMES in the last 2+ call me crazy,but that sure as hell isn't a recovery. how can they expect builders to produce more homes,when the public can't even stay in the ones they have NOW? the glut of houses on the market keeps going up yet the production of new homes is at an all time low. result ? 25-35% unemployment in the construction industry.not to mention mfg.[ we continue to outsource more& more jobs ] supply,transportation,etc. solution? LOAN THE MONEY OUT!!!!! the whole point of this bullshit bailout was for the banks to LOAN the money to THE PEOPLE .in order to refinance the loans they had , and avoid default. and get us to spend more by generating loan program's for remodling /renovating existing homes, and increase jobs in the mfg . indutry. but nooooo. they are NOT doing that. some have already been caught using these funds to buy out ,or leverage other firms.they seem the be able to rapidly "pay back " these loans to get out from gov. oversight,yet we're STILL losing our homes at a staggering rate.the gov. needs to grab these weasel's by the short hairs, and squeeze until we get the results, THEY PROMISED that they would deliver, when they got the bailout money to start with. until all of the "financial insitutions" start to REALLY do their part the rest of america is going to suffer while the weasle's keep stealing from us. so do your part, CALL your local "elected" officials and BITCH about it, I assure you , that they, like ALL politicians when they think they may lose VOTES will ACTUALY do something about it. if we can't keep our homes , or our jobs,we damn sure won't vote for these idiots again. but what the hell ? by then we'll all be out on the streets as "the homeless" any way won't we!!!! I guess we can just squat on their lawns...or sleep in the doorways of the banks that ripped us off to start with. moral of the rant? THE RICH DON'T GIVE A SHIT BOUT US POOR FOLK at least until we run amuck,and kill em all..... until next time I'm fury and I'm still pissed .... later

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