Saturday, August 1, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 13

welcome back to the rant. as you see we're back to our REALLY pissed off color again,and I hope that ya'll will jion me in my anger and disgust. AIG, yes the assholes who helped start the largest meltdown in history, are back in the headlines again. this time the crooked bastards have REALLY shit all over america, and all who did, or do buisness with these lowlifes!!! in an artilce by peter cohen, titled: after $182 billion bailout is aig on verge of collapse. it turn's out that this "corp " I use this term VEEERY loosely,severe cursing would be more appropriate. any way, it now appears that the assholes in charge of this firm have been shell gaming,both the goverment [meaning WE TAXPAYERS since through the bail out we own 78% of the corp.]and it's stockholders. what they are doing is moving asset's from one subsidiary company to another as federal inspectors, check their books. now here's the deal. since the inspectors don't check all the company's at the same time,it allowed AIG to move their asset's from the company that was JUST inspected ,to the one ABOUT to be inspected. NO SHIT!!!!! the result? there is no telling just HOW BAD their financial mess is at this time. in the article peter ,points out some examples of the shifting of asset's, so I'm not going to go into specifics. the main problems arise in the fact AIG is a collection of more than 71, that's right,71 DIFFERENT insurance company's. as the Tally's of losses/ bogus asset's,verse's ACTUAL positive asset's pile up,the depth of the scam is on a scale with the madoff ponze scam. I SHIT YOU NOT!!!! we are talking about 100's of billions of dollars. this firm CAN'T POSSIBLY be even remotely, considered as SOLVENT ,much less stable. if the top 10-15% of upper management aren't prosecuted,and THROWN UNDER the jail. I will be ABSOLUTELY LIVID!!!!! these guys give real criminals, ie: murderer's,rapist's armed robbers a run for their money.the fact that they are NOT in jail RIGHT NOW, is a slap in the face to ALL american taxpayers. what the hell do such scum, have to do, before we stop allowing the greedy bastard's free rein to RIP US OFF? I don't like the idea of big gov being invoveled in all aspect's of the buisness world but for GODS sake, enough is enough of this corp bull shit.and to top it all off their STILL planning ,to give out over $200 MILLION in BONUS'S again this year!!! I swear I just want to go ahead and say ***&^%$##^^*&**((() you worthless pieces of SHIT!!! mere cussing of these vermin, is not even close to the anger and betrayel that I feel right now. if I didn't know I'd rot in jail forever I'd go burn their fucking houses down!!!!!! this is the CLASSIC kill them all, let GOD sort them out, moment in my life. I have to end the rant at this time,cause I;m SO,SO SOOOO PISSED OFF I might just do something stupid.. let me end this ,with my URGING OF YOU ALL.... CALL YOUR ELECTED REP'S ... GET THESE ASSHOLES LOCKED IN JAIL!!!!! cause sure as god made little green apples, there's gonna be MASSIVE fallout from this load of shit...bitch at ya later ,one REALLY pissed off fury...

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