Friday, July 24, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 8

welcome back to the rant. today's rant: conceal carry permit's. I'm going to go out on a limb here, seeing as I'm a firm believer in the right to bear arm's.this is a topic that concerns me greatly.I fully believe that, ALL american citizens, have the right to carry a weapon for self defense. it's even more important in these days of random violence. in a close vote [58-39 we needed 60 to pass ] the senate has rejected a bill, that would allow inividuals with a conceal carry permit in one state to use that permit in all states that allow concealed carry. the right to defend yourself, is guaranteed in our constitution. I realize that this is a volatile issue on both sides of the aisle.those that wish for a peaceful resolution to their problems will never see the other point of view.that being said,its kind of hard to resolve anything peacefully,when theres a gun in your face,or a knife at your back. words won't help protect you at this point. however,if the perp. DOESN'T know if you have a gun or not, their going to be much more cautious in their attempt to rob or attack you. when they KNOW you don't have one, they face small chance of Resistance.this makes you a better target.the old adage "when guns are outlawed,only outlaws will have guns." is more true now then ever before, in our history. all it takes is for you to watch the nightly news in ANY city in america to see the violence that is playing out on our streets. gangs,and the violence,that they promote,continue to rise. they OPENLY brag of the things that they do, and have NO REMORSE, or regret about it. [watch "GANGLAND " on the history channel,for an in depth look at some of the worst of these gangs,and the crimes they if this is not a large enough problem, we have the"RANDOM" attacks of violence that the mentally disturbed inflict upon us. I KNOW, I KNOW, I hear all you hand wringers out there,if there were NO guns then there wouldnt be all the violence. BULLSHIT , PURE AND SIMPLE. just because they dont have a gun, doesnt mean they wont kick your ass, or stab you, or beat you with sticks, bats, or rocks. by the ordinary citizen packing a gun the chances are that you 'll see a decrease in the MASS violence. this doesnt mean all violence, thats NEVER gonna happen. if someone had a gun at the mcdonalds massacre the death toll probably would have been less. the same can be said for the attack at lubys in TX, or how about the VA.TECH assault? when we allow only criminals to carry guns, we open ourselves to these kind of attacks. if the perps,think their victims will SHOOT BACK,maybe they'll think twice,before they act. by the same token, the terrorist's that would attack our country have to take into consideration, that our population is heavily armed and will DAMN sure gun their dumb asses down. this is also to our benefit. violence will not stop these problems, but the fact that YOU may have a gun will at least make them think twice before they attack. remember, my friends BE PREPARED cause we all know, that someday trouble will come a knocking on your door. as always I'm fury and I'm still pissed....

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