Wednesday, July 29, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 10

welcome back to the rant. todays topic is cash for clunkers. as we all know in an effort to boost car sales in america,our gov. has instituted,this new program. now first off you have to ask,why should we taxpayers foot the bill once again for the auto industry? we just gave then a hefty multi billion dollar bailout at the end of '08. then they go through the FASTEST, chpt.11 bankrutcy,I've EVER heard our gov. wants us to foot the bill,to the tune of AT LEAST $1,000,000 more, to help their car sales. I realize that we need to get the auto industry back on it's feet as a vaiable cost measure ,to insure the repayment of the bailout money we gave them, but why do we have the foot the bill again? this incentive program should be back tied to their bailout loans, and be repaid by THEM, not the american taxpayer!!! I feel like I'm literaly buying someone a car out of my own pocket. at $4500 a pop,this will only do about 250,00 deals.granted its better than nothing,but at least extend it to more people than that. the second part of the deal,is that your car/van/truck must get less than 18 mpg. what the f**k,is this? at least go to 20 MPG!!! I realize we're trying to get fuel effeciency,but come on. they [ the gov. ] have set the standard ,and already theres problems. IMAGINE THAT, a gov. program with problems? people who already bought cars with the original parameters of fuel mileage put out by the gov. suddenly find that they [ the gov ] CHANGED the parameters,of their cars mileage. so now their called up by the dealers, and told either pay the $4500 difference or bring back the car/van /truck etc. talk about a shaft job. the other problem that I see is not all vehicles REALLY get the mpg their supposed to. I know quite a few of my friends, who's cars are supposed to get 24 mpg ,but are lucky if they get 2o .I'm sure that there are many, who's vehicles are WELL past the time their cars EVER got the top mpg. let's get real folks, a 15 yr old car is NOT, going to get the same mpg ,as one that's the same model, but is 5 yrs old. seeing as how WE, get to help buy the car ,we ought to have some say in the way the program's run. once again the "powers that be" are putting a screwing to the american taxpayer. those with the foresite to buy a fuel efficient car 10 yr's ago are stuck ,while the the guy with the gas guzzeler gets a BIG break. all those people who bought the BIG, suv's a few yr's back are breathing a HUGE sigh of relief,at OUR expense!! and what about all the REAL poor people out there that have a car thats pre 85? you know the ones that REALLY,REALLY ,get crappy mileage? why this program a'int for THEM.those folks need a deal like this more than ANYONE , but they sure as hell a'int gonna get it. what do you want to bet a vast majority of these "deals " are for the rich **** that bought the big suvs in the first place. so remember to CALL OR WRITE to your elected rep's and BITCH about it. things won't change until we, FORCE the change. till next time I'm fury and I'm still pissed..

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