Thursday, July 30, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 11

welcome back to the rant. today, we go back to the religious [ or fanatics ] of our world. lets talk ISLAMICS for 100. now I'm not a real religious person, although I am spiritual. so I tend to view the more fanatic of those who are, as a strange sort of animal. when you turn you whole being over to an indefinable entity, I think you get a very limited view of the whole concept of life. as the extremist's of any religion show the, my god or no god aspect can be VERY unhealthy.our own country has had it's share of religious zealots,as we all know. you can start of with some of the first settlers,of this land,the puritans!!! these folk would torture and kill those who didn't share their beliefs. using the stocks,or fire to DRIVE OUT the evil. when the evil was actually, within themselves. intolerance of anothers beliefs, brings only death and disorder upon us. the radical islamist's, are just creating more problems for their own religion than ,changing peoples minds about it. nowhere does it say to kill women,and children in the koran. even more to the point,what purpose does it serve,TO KILL YOUR OWN FAITH? these imams who preach jihad are not just targeting the " infidel's " but their own faithful. they wish to STOP all progress into the 21st century,and remain locked into the class and structural morals of the last 2,000 years of their history. NO education,other than the koran,no rising above the spot of sheep herder. if they had their way EVERYBODY,[except them of course ] would live in a mud shack,and kiss the"holy mans ass ] ONLY the imams would live well. all else exist only to serve THEM, after all dont THEY speak to allah? their ideas of the role's of women as mere animals, to be bought and, sold are repugnant, to the " civilized " world yet they cling as tightly to these beliefs, as to the notion the " THEIR " god is the only one and all ,who don't kiss his ass should be killed. I have pity for those,who suffer under such backward thinkers. once ,their land's had some of the greatest thinkers,and philosophers,the world ever knew. when they stopped the search for knowledge,and embraced the purely religious. they lost their way and focus. now ,they are as petulant children,pouting that they are not being taken seriously. in reality ,it's hard to take seriously, a culture, that would rather see it's population living in squalor,than attain knowledge of the world around it. when the TRUE ISLAMICS, rise up and DEMAND their rights as a people. and denounce those, who will step upon the true visions of mohammad. then the world will truly recognize them. Iran ,even with all problems that their goverment has,is finally trying to step into this century. as their leaders try to squash those who speak out against the tyranny,and oppression. more and more of their young men, AND WOMEN, are pushing for reforms in the way their country is run. all that the rest of us in the world can hope for is that the new generations of Islamics,will see that the true path to allah ,and enlightenment is not though violence, but through tolerance. that's it for now, but as always, I'm fury and I'm still pissed

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Blogger Eowyn said...

Ha! Great rant :)

I've also got a bee in my bonnet about intolerant Muslims. So much so that a regular feature of mine is the "Muslim Babe of the Day," where I feature either some hot Muslim babe NOT wearing burqas or Muslim women who have made a real contribution to society (against the wishes of their honor-killing male relatives) as a way of sending intolerance back into these idiots' faces.

Man, you should see the hits from Middle Eastern countries I get after I post THOSE, ha ha!

July 30, 2009 at 10:20 AM  

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