Tuesday, July 28, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 9

welcome back to the rant, today we're back to the world of "economics". as you see I'm back to red and ya'll know what that means, yep I'm really pissed off again. in an article by james cullen, we have a greedy ass trader by the name of ANDREW HALL [ remember this name ] it seems mr hall is bitching to the head of citigroup,that he wants them to honor a $ 100 MILLION . BONUS TO HIM. now lets see here, his corp borrowed a few billion $ from the fed's [we taxpayers ] and the taxpayers own about 34% of the parent corp. that he WORKS for. yet this greedy prick actually wants us to PAY him for the fact his corp. LOST over $10 billion last year alone.his claim is that he was promised this bonus,and should get it irregardles of the fact they lost money. this little prick should have the lips slapped clean off his face!!!! while there are approx 15+ million of out of work and our economy is struggling to pull itself out of the mess that HIS corp. and other greedy sobs, like them put us in. the sheer gall of someone like this is astounding.instead of getting his ass kicked out the door he's whining he didn't get his"fair due". well tell ya what,come on down ta my house, an I'LL GIVE YOU YOUR "FAIR DUE".I sure hope that your medical insur. package is up ta snuff ,because ya"ll damn sure gonna need it, after my unemployed friends an I give you your, fair due. just the thought that there is any consideration of giving this"man ",a dime in bonuses, is enough to turn my stomach. when the hell are we going to stand up and tell all these wall street money grubbers,enough is ef**king nough. be grateful that the law doesnt allow us to come and tar & feather you, like you, and so many of your"associates " truly deserve. its time for our gov. to show that they actually have a backbone and tell these guys to get a grasp on the reality of the situation that this country face's.this is the time for all americans to stand up to the big corporations and big buisness. without our purchaseing of their products,or services these guys will go the way of the dinosaur. many of these companys are just TOO BIG !!! one hand does not seem to know what the other is doing, or just does'nt care. as long as the money roll's in ,it's just going to be buisness as usual for them,and the shaft for the rest of working america. so once again CALL OR WRITE to your "elected "rep's and let them know we are'nt going to take this kind of greed ,anymore.stand up and BITCH america,if we all yell loud enough, they'll hear us,and respond, or we'll kick them out of office and put in somebody that will [ I HOPE ] thats it for now ,until next time, I'm fury and I'm still REALLY,REALLY pissed off. later.

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