Saturday, August 1, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 12

welcome back to the rant. well, I just gotta say that this is going to be a rant,and rolling day for me.there are 3 yep, that's right 3 different subjects on the hit list today. 2 of them just happen to be parts of rant's that I just posted in the last few days. the third is just plain ol' corp. corruption [one of my favs ]. lets just start where I left off, cars for clunkers. as I mentioned there was only 1 billion in the program, and it was thought to last until sept-oct. WRONG it didn't even last ONE WEEK. that's right, the program was OUT OF MONEY, in less than 7 days. what do they think is gonna happen,when the feds open the cash box? so on the 31st of july they throw ANOTHER ONE BILLION,into the mix. well, hell that ought to last another 7 days or so don't ya think? then what the F**k are they going to do? how much of OUR money are they gonna throw away to the auto industry? as I said before MAKE THIS MONEY PART OF THE BAILOUT LOAN. I just get pissed off when I CAN'T get a loan for a new car, yet I'm buying one for someone else!!!!! QUIT GIVING MY FUCKING MONEY AWAY!!!!! they got their collective ass 's into this mess ,let them PAY to get out of it . Now let's go to another fav of ours,IRAN . well the clowns in charge over there, have started their " trials ", of the protester's of that sham, they called on election today. and surprise, surprise, in true dictator/communist fashion there are 1: no lawyers for the defense, 2: no jury 3: NO CHANCE IN HELL!!!! these asshole's have the ball's to say that it's A LONG PLANNED attack on the goverment. that the individuals on trial took money to finance these actions from " foreign " sources. by the way, what do you think tipped of the" radical" elements,that there was going to be fraud and cheating in the " election " YEAR'S in advance. needless to say the defendants, are ALL members of the opposition party, as well as outspoken critics of totalitarian rule by the current "leaders " of Iran. we all know the real leaders are the imans of their " religious counsel " that's an oxymoron if there ever was!!! most of the "counsel " don't know jack shit about the real world much less ,want the people to know. this is just a way for them to purge the country of it's more moderate voices. we ALL know what the verdicts well be, the same as all sham trails. guilty, followed by death. the stupidity of those, who think that their OWN PEOPLE , will believe this crock of shit is astounding. if they thought the protest's were "riots "before, I have a feeling that when they convict,and start to kill off the" offenders " the shit is REALLY gonna hit the fan. the youth of Iran has pretty much showed the rest of the world,that their over the lies and corruption of the present regime. I just hope that more of the " common " people will join in the protest's to come. with a little bit of luck the resulting chaos,will open the door for their neighbors to stir up some more shit ,in their collective pot's. lets hope that a mob will run amok, and bring even more pressure on these clowns. as they try to " crush " the rebellion, they only spur on those who wish to see more freedoms in the land. eventually they ,like all dictatorships, will come tumbling down. as the oppression grows ,so will the protest against it. so keep on bitching all you Iranians,someday you will indeed be free. as always, I'm fury, and I'm still pissed. oh yeah, rant # 3 will be on a new page.

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