welcome to the rant and rave 14
we welcome back to the rant. as you can see I took a few days off. unfortunely the idiots in command have still not shown up. it is painfully obvious to me that the republican party has reached their meltdown stage. I have long been an indepedent,simply because the thought of blindly following the "party line " is for those who have no brain of their own. this practice has caused more problems,than solutions. those who will vote for something simply because, your " party "endorses it is a sure sign that you are a brainless ass. rather than actualy read about the issues being put forth, you simply go with whatever,bullshit your party puts out. to me you worthless ass wipes deserve,whatever comes you way!!!! if you would rather follow a pompus ass like limbaugh you show that,you never really had a grasp of the realities facing this country.as the republican party leadership falls in to total disarray,it seems the only people who can pull us out the mess, by bi-partisan cooperation refuse to even TRY to make things right. they would rather stand on the sidelines,and spew forth lies, and innuendo. to hear the top republicans speak,you'd think that Obama plan's to kill off all the old,or cast them out to sea. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!the fucking republicans have had more then 16 YEARS before this election to do something ANYTHING about health care, yet did'nt do JACK SHIT!! now that this administration is trying to sort out this mess, all these pricks can do is whine, snivel,and grovel like the scum sucking maggots that they are. it is clear to most of the world that these people have lost the ability to lead. they are on the brink of becoming the biggest joke in all of politics. when rush limbaugh is the voice of your party,I feel safe in saying that you truly,have reached the bottom of the barrel. I feel pity for all of us in this land,for the simple reason, that these fools would rather do nothing but spout lies ,than try to solve our problems. the time for action is here yet ,the republican party will do nothing. our system needs to be fixed ,yet the republican party will do nothing, we have the WORST healh care in the world on a nat'l level,yet the republican party does nothing ,but lie to us about what the dems are trying to do. we all know that big buisness is in bed with these fools,yet WE do nothing to stop them. as the rest of the world laughs at us we have nobody to blame but ourselves. till next time, I fury, and I'm still pissed.
Labels: fools, goverment, health care, idiocy, reform