Friday, August 28, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 18

welcome back, well here we go again with our rag-head friends in Iran. in a bold move [or foolish ] ahmadinejad,[we'll just call call him mad jack,cause that's easier then me trying to spell his name over & over] false pres. of Iran is calling for a more severe, crack down on the protesters of his bullshit election. ole mad jack wants the ruling clerics to go after the " upper level dissidents " IE. his opponent in the " election ", mr.mousavi, and former pres. khatami. to name just a few of the "upper levels " he speaks of. this idiot still holds to his claims of "foriegn" interference, in the sham he puts forth as a true show of Iranian politics. meanwhile the islamic counsel,[ in a rare moment of clarity] realize that such draconian measures,will most likely result in a backlash ,against not only mad jack, but themselves as well. khameni, the leader of the counsel, is not only dragging his feet in this matter, but trying to reign in his foolish puppet. the majority of the protesters arrested, and the " upper level " politician's being held have been treated in a decent fashion. [by their standards ] however there is evidence that at least 30 people have died as the result of torture, inflicted by both gaurd's, and their superior officers. such action's, even though they have been condemed,by the gov. and top leadership [ to include the islamic counsel ] only reinforce the belief, that a change is needed in Irans top leadership. in a move that show's their willingness to at least appear on the level, there have been arrest's of those, who can be shown, to have had a part in the death's of the detainee's.whether they will be prosecuted though is another story. mad jacks efforts to escalate the purge of the opposition party, show's me at least, that he is still afraid of the reform movement, that is sweeping through Iran. like all despot's, he needs to eliminate all who speak against him, in order to secure his power base. by his very actions he shows that he is not trying to move Iran forward, but back to the days of totalitarian rule. if he continues to push for harsh treatment, and punishment, for those who disagree with his policy's,he will only escalate the situation. lets all hope that he keeps flopping around in the bullshit, he spews forth, because this only helps to speed his demise. so keep up the retoric,and bullshit jack, we'll see you in the unemployment line soon. till next time.... I'm fury and I'm still pissed. later

Thursday, August 27, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 17

welcome back, its hard to belive that its been 10 days since I last wrote on this blog. anyway lets talk about the drunks in america. now I was a hard core swiller of the booze for a LOT of years. in fact I am more than willing to state that I AM an alcoholic. my main problem is the binge drinking aspect's of alcoholism. for a long time I felt that, I had no real prob's with my drinking. dispite the fact of 2 dui's, in 4 yrs. [back in 80-84 ] I was in the army then and most of us were heavy drinkers in those days. this being said I know first hand what the challenges of the drunk, are all about. even though I slowed way down , on my drinking. it was not until the past few yr's. that I really,got a handle on it. and only the past year that I quit entirely. I therefore, KNOW what I'm talking about in this next rant. a man in Santa Fe, NM. was arrested on wed for his 22nd, thats right his, 22nd DUI. now how is it possible, that this fucking loser, is NOT in jail for habitual DUI ? not only has he been charged 5 TIMES in NM. he has 3 PENDING DUI'S. as if this ain't bad enough,he blew a GET THIS 0.393 b.a.c ,thats right, you read correctly, a 0.393. .08 is the legal max. yer suppose to be DEAD at these level's. never the less this dude [ who they found PASSED OUT,on the side of the road, NEXT to his car ] was not only alive, but the cop's said that he was coherent. granted,he was slurring his words, [ imagine that ] but could comprehend what the cop's were saying, and could respond. if they don't lock this guy up, for a few [ make that A LOT ] of years, I feel pity for the drivers in all the states around NM. this is a case of throw away the key if I ever heard of it. I believe in 2nd chances, maybe even a third , if it has been quite a bit if time, since the last [at LEAST 7 yr's ] offense. for this guy ALL chance is gone. he has proven over time that he CANNOT, stop his drinking on his own. its time for the state to lock him up for a long, long time. we can't wait for this guy to kill, an innocent person. I can only imagine that, the lack of heavy population, in this area has prevented this from happenig before. so for all of NM. I pray this asshole never get's out of jail... till next time ,I'm fury, an I'm really pissed off at this drunk fuck.

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