Friday, September 18, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 21

well, I'm baack. yes, I know it's been, a couple of weeks. I just had other shit to deal with. so lets start care reform!!! for the love of God, quit all the talking, and FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!!!! trade deficit. if we will quit sending all our manufacturing jobs overseas, then MAYBE, we will have a chance to REALLY, start to compete again. back a few years ago there was a major push to " BUY AMERICAN " what the hell happened to that? simple we sent the jobs out to OTHER country's, so now THEY produce, the product, and sell it back to US. its hard to buy AMERICAN products when we don't produce them. we keep shutting down our factories, and out source to china, mexico, korea, etc, etc, et fucking ctera. they make cheap, shitty products, and WE keep buying them. the Chinese, have had, more MAJOR recalls for crappy, or DEADLY products, in the last 2 years. than any other country. yet the US gov STILL, gives them a FAVORED NATION, treaty. they PURPOSELY, undercut, our own price's yet no response from our own gov. I guess when you pay your workers pennies, it doesn't matter, what you charge for your product, you GOING TO MAKE MONEY!!!! meanwhile back here in the US of A, we are at 10+% unemployment. yeah, that's how you can compete, with the world. DON'T sell, just buy shit. as we posture, and pose, we're getting our ass's kicked, in the world market. if we don't pull our heads out of our ass, and DO SOMETHING, to change this trend, we won't be the world leader for long. the Chinese own a HUGE chunk of our country, not to mention, our bond,and treasury notes. if we threaten their trade agreements, they say they'll call in our notes. if we increase their tariffs, they will respond by raising ours .we have let these assholes get us over a barrel by our OWN corporate greed, and failures. in a trade war we LOSE, because WE, shipped our own manufacturing capabilities offshore. from 1930 to 1995 NOBODY could compete with us, BECAUSE of our mfg power. today it's almost non-existent. as a country, we have failed ourselves, as a super power we are on the brink. disaster, is in our future, if we don't reclaim our power base of mfg. stand up AMERICA, fight for our selves, because NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, else will. we were once the envy of the world. now we're just a shadow of our former selves. for now I'm fury,and I'm still pissed....