welcome to the rant 25
well, here we are again.. today let's yap a little about donny "the douche" trump. now I haven't done much on this subject, but the asshole has gone so far over the line I just . have ta rant on it. in a move taken by the man whose fate he shall soon share tricky dicky nixon. he abandons the kurdish forces who have been absolutely crucial in our fighting in the syria,/ Iraqi fighting over the last 15 + years. nixon did the same thing to the 'yards in the nam in 74. bagged ass an left then to be killed/ enslaved by the same people they helped US to fight. nixon did it as a deal, ta get our of a hated war that was unwinnable unless we were willing to go into the north... not..the douche is doing it cause he's just an idiot. or maybe he thinks he can cut a deal to make himself some cash. whatever the reason, he has undermined all we gained in trust from these people. not just the kurds, but iraqi's,syrians,afganies. if we're willing to throw away these brave individuals, just cause their neighbors don't like them. and are willing to INVADE another country we said we would protect, that has cost our own troops lives to win and secure. what message does that send to ALL of our allies. oh dont worry, all those IsIs fighters that escape, or are freed by force, in the conflict, are gonna leave their homeland, and go to europe?? oh dont worry, IF Iran keeps up their sponsoring of terror in the area, MAYBE we'll step in. yeah like these guys will believe that..in the arab mind betrayal is one of the greatest sins. maybe you've noticed. these guys dont forgive much, and never forget a slight, or preceived insult. that said the only hope we have to counter this shit is a faint one, that they realize its NOT the US, but donny the douche. that shit on them. as far as the doche goes, that is a sack o shit that is SOOOOO big my head would explode if I started in on it right now... I mean as an old fuck I have seen, heard from this shitwad since the mid 70's it still blows my mind that this fuck got elected.. but then I consider that he ran against hillary an bernie .... if this is the BEST we as a nation can do as" leaders" , of the free world we're fucked.... as always... I'm still fury and I'm still pissed