Saturday, August 1, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 13

welcome back to the rant. as you see we're back to our REALLY pissed off color again,and I hope that ya'll will jion me in my anger and disgust. AIG, yes the assholes who helped start the largest meltdown in history, are back in the headlines again. this time the crooked bastards have REALLY shit all over america, and all who did, or do buisness with these lowlifes!!! in an artilce by peter cohen, titled: after $182 billion bailout is aig on verge of collapse. it turn's out that this "corp " I use this term VEEERY loosely,severe cursing would be more appropriate. any way, it now appears that the assholes in charge of this firm have been shell gaming,both the goverment [meaning WE TAXPAYERS since through the bail out we own 78% of the corp.]and it's stockholders. what they are doing is moving asset's from one subsidiary company to another as federal inspectors, check their books. now here's the deal. since the inspectors don't check all the company's at the same time,it allowed AIG to move their asset's from the company that was JUST inspected ,to the one ABOUT to be inspected. NO SHIT!!!!! the result? there is no telling just HOW BAD their financial mess is at this time. in the article peter ,points out some examples of the shifting of asset's, so I'm not going to go into specifics. the main problems arise in the fact AIG is a collection of more than 71, that's right,71 DIFFERENT insurance company's. as the Tally's of losses/ bogus asset's,verse's ACTUAL positive asset's pile up,the depth of the scam is on a scale with the madoff ponze scam. I SHIT YOU NOT!!!! we are talking about 100's of billions of dollars. this firm CAN'T POSSIBLY be even remotely, considered as SOLVENT ,much less stable. if the top 10-15% of upper management aren't prosecuted,and THROWN UNDER the jail. I will be ABSOLUTELY LIVID!!!!! these guys give real criminals, ie: murderer's,rapist's armed robbers a run for their money.the fact that they are NOT in jail RIGHT NOW, is a slap in the face to ALL american taxpayers. what the hell do such scum, have to do, before we stop allowing the greedy bastard's free rein to RIP US OFF? I don't like the idea of big gov being invoveled in all aspect's of the buisness world but for GODS sake, enough is enough of this corp bull shit.and to top it all off their STILL planning ,to give out over $200 MILLION in BONUS'S again this year!!! I swear I just want to go ahead and say ***&^%$##^^*&**((() you worthless pieces of SHIT!!! mere cussing of these vermin, is not even close to the anger and betrayel that I feel right now. if I didn't know I'd rot in jail forever I'd go burn their fucking houses down!!!!!! this is the CLASSIC kill them all, let GOD sort them out, moment in my life. I have to end the rant at this time,cause I;m SO,SO SOOOO PISSED OFF I might just do something stupid.. let me end this ,with my URGING OF YOU ALL.... CALL YOUR ELECTED REP'S ... GET THESE ASSHOLES LOCKED IN JAIL!!!!! cause sure as god made little green apples, there's gonna be MASSIVE fallout from this load of shit...bitch at ya later ,one REALLY pissed off fury...

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welcome to the rant and rave 12

welcome back to the rant. well, I just gotta say that this is going to be a rant,and rolling day for me.there are 3 yep, that's right 3 different subjects on the hit list today. 2 of them just happen to be parts of rant's that I just posted in the last few days. the third is just plain ol' corp. corruption [one of my favs ]. lets just start where I left off, cars for clunkers. as I mentioned there was only 1 billion in the program, and it was thought to last until sept-oct. WRONG it didn't even last ONE WEEK. that's right, the program was OUT OF MONEY, in less than 7 days. what do they think is gonna happen,when the feds open the cash box? so on the 31st of july they throw ANOTHER ONE BILLION,into the mix. well, hell that ought to last another 7 days or so don't ya think? then what the F**k are they going to do? how much of OUR money are they gonna throw away to the auto industry? as I said before MAKE THIS MONEY PART OF THE BAILOUT LOAN. I just get pissed off when I CAN'T get a loan for a new car, yet I'm buying one for someone else!!!!! QUIT GIVING MY FUCKING MONEY AWAY!!!!! they got their collective ass 's into this mess ,let them PAY to get out of it . Now let's go to another fav of ours,IRAN . well the clowns in charge over there, have started their " trials ", of the protester's of that sham, they called on election today. and surprise, surprise, in true dictator/communist fashion there are 1: no lawyers for the defense, 2: no jury 3: NO CHANCE IN HELL!!!! these asshole's have the ball's to say that it's A LONG PLANNED attack on the goverment. that the individuals on trial took money to finance these actions from " foreign " sources. by the way, what do you think tipped of the" radical" elements,that there was going to be fraud and cheating in the " election " YEAR'S in advance. needless to say the defendants, are ALL members of the opposition party, as well as outspoken critics of totalitarian rule by the current "leaders " of Iran. we all know the real leaders are the imans of their " religious counsel " that's an oxymoron if there ever was!!! most of the "counsel " don't know jack shit about the real world much less ,want the people to know. this is just a way for them to purge the country of it's more moderate voices. we ALL know what the verdicts well be, the same as all sham trails. guilty, followed by death. the stupidity of those, who think that their OWN PEOPLE , will believe this crock of shit is astounding. if they thought the protest's were "riots "before, I have a feeling that when they convict,and start to kill off the" offenders " the shit is REALLY gonna hit the fan. the youth of Iran has pretty much showed the rest of the world,that their over the lies and corruption of the present regime. I just hope that more of the " common " people will join in the protest's to come. with a little bit of luck the resulting chaos,will open the door for their neighbors to stir up some more shit ,in their collective pot's. lets hope that a mob will run amok, and bring even more pressure on these clowns. as they try to " crush " the rebellion, they only spur on those who wish to see more freedoms in the land. eventually they ,like all dictatorships, will come tumbling down. as the oppression grows ,so will the protest against it. so keep on bitching all you Iranians,someday you will indeed be free. as always, I'm fury, and I'm still pissed. oh yeah, rant # 3 will be on a new page.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 11

welcome back to the rant. today, we go back to the religious [ or fanatics ] of our world. lets talk ISLAMICS for 100. now I'm not a real religious person, although I am spiritual. so I tend to view the more fanatic of those who are, as a strange sort of animal. when you turn you whole being over to an indefinable entity, I think you get a very limited view of the whole concept of life. as the extremist's of any religion show the, my god or no god aspect can be VERY unhealthy.our own country has had it's share of religious zealots,as we all know. you can start of with some of the first settlers,of this land,the puritans!!! these folk would torture and kill those who didn't share their beliefs. using the stocks,or fire to DRIVE OUT the evil. when the evil was actually, within themselves. intolerance of anothers beliefs, brings only death and disorder upon us. the radical islamist's, are just creating more problems for their own religion than ,changing peoples minds about it. nowhere does it say to kill women,and children in the koran. even more to the point,what purpose does it serve,TO KILL YOUR OWN FAITH? these imams who preach jihad are not just targeting the " infidel's " but their own faithful. they wish to STOP all progress into the 21st century,and remain locked into the class and structural morals of the last 2,000 years of their history. NO education,other than the koran,no rising above the spot of sheep herder. if they had their way EVERYBODY,[except them of course ] would live in a mud shack,and kiss the"holy mans ass ] ONLY the imams would live well. all else exist only to serve THEM, after all dont THEY speak to allah? their ideas of the role's of women as mere animals, to be bought and, sold are repugnant, to the " civilized " world yet they cling as tightly to these beliefs, as to the notion the " THEIR " god is the only one and all ,who don't kiss his ass should be killed. I have pity for those,who suffer under such backward thinkers. once ,their land's had some of the greatest thinkers,and philosophers,the world ever knew. when they stopped the search for knowledge,and embraced the purely religious. they lost their way and focus. now ,they are as petulant children,pouting that they are not being taken seriously. in reality ,it's hard to take seriously, a culture, that would rather see it's population living in squalor,than attain knowledge of the world around it. when the TRUE ISLAMICS, rise up and DEMAND their rights as a people. and denounce those, who will step upon the true visions of mohammad. then the world will truly recognize them. Iran ,even with all problems that their goverment has,is finally trying to step into this century. as their leaders try to squash those who speak out against the tyranny,and oppression. more and more of their young men, AND WOMEN, are pushing for reforms in the way their country is run. all that the rest of us in the world can hope for is that the new generations of Islamics,will see that the true path to allah ,and enlightenment is not though violence, but through tolerance. that's it for now, but as always, I'm fury and I'm still pissed

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 10

welcome back to the rant. todays topic is cash for clunkers. as we all know in an effort to boost car sales in america,our gov. has instituted,this new program. now first off you have to ask,why should we taxpayers foot the bill once again for the auto industry? we just gave then a hefty multi billion dollar bailout at the end of '08. then they go through the FASTEST, chpt.11 bankrutcy,I've EVER heard our gov. wants us to foot the bill,to the tune of AT LEAST $1,000,000 more, to help their car sales. I realize that we need to get the auto industry back on it's feet as a vaiable cost measure ,to insure the repayment of the bailout money we gave them, but why do we have the foot the bill again? this incentive program should be back tied to their bailout loans, and be repaid by THEM, not the american taxpayer!!! I feel like I'm literaly buying someone a car out of my own pocket. at $4500 a pop,this will only do about 250,00 deals.granted its better than nothing,but at least extend it to more people than that. the second part of the deal,is that your car/van/truck must get less than 18 mpg. what the f**k,is this? at least go to 20 MPG!!! I realize we're trying to get fuel effeciency,but come on. they [ the gov. ] have set the standard ,and already theres problems. IMAGINE THAT, a gov. program with problems? people who already bought cars with the original parameters of fuel mileage put out by the gov. suddenly find that they [ the gov ] CHANGED the parameters,of their cars mileage. so now their called up by the dealers, and told either pay the $4500 difference or bring back the car/van /truck etc. talk about a shaft job. the other problem that I see is not all vehicles REALLY get the mpg their supposed to. I know quite a few of my friends, who's cars are supposed to get 24 mpg ,but are lucky if they get 2o .I'm sure that there are many, who's vehicles are WELL past the time their cars EVER got the top mpg. let's get real folks, a 15 yr old car is NOT, going to get the same mpg ,as one that's the same model, but is 5 yrs old. seeing as how WE, get to help buy the car ,we ought to have some say in the way the program's run. once again the "powers that be" are putting a screwing to the american taxpayer. those with the foresite to buy a fuel efficient car 10 yr's ago are stuck ,while the the guy with the gas guzzeler gets a BIG break. all those people who bought the BIG, suv's a few yr's back are breathing a HUGE sigh of relief,at OUR expense!! and what about all the REAL poor people out there that have a car thats pre 85? you know the ones that REALLY,REALLY ,get crappy mileage? why this program a'int for THEM.those folks need a deal like this more than ANYONE , but they sure as hell a'int gonna get it. what do you want to bet a vast majority of these "deals " are for the rich **** that bought the big suvs in the first place. so remember to CALL OR WRITE to your elected rep's and BITCH about it. things won't change until we, FORCE the change. till next time I'm fury and I'm still pissed..

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 9

welcome back to the rant, today we're back to the world of "economics". as you see I'm back to red and ya'll know what that means, yep I'm really pissed off again. in an article by james cullen, we have a greedy ass trader by the name of ANDREW HALL [ remember this name ] it seems mr hall is bitching to the head of citigroup,that he wants them to honor a $ 100 MILLION . BONUS TO HIM. now lets see here, his corp borrowed a few billion $ from the fed's [we taxpayers ] and the taxpayers own about 34% of the parent corp. that he WORKS for. yet this greedy prick actually wants us to PAY him for the fact his corp. LOST over $10 billion last year alone.his claim is that he was promised this bonus,and should get it irregardles of the fact they lost money. this little prick should have the lips slapped clean off his face!!!! while there are approx 15+ million of out of work and our economy is struggling to pull itself out of the mess that HIS corp. and other greedy sobs, like them put us in. the sheer gall of someone like this is astounding.instead of getting his ass kicked out the door he's whining he didn't get his"fair due". well tell ya what,come on down ta my house, an I'LL GIVE YOU YOUR "FAIR DUE".I sure hope that your medical insur. package is up ta snuff ,because ya"ll damn sure gonna need it, after my unemployed friends an I give you your, fair due. just the thought that there is any consideration of giving this"man ",a dime in bonuses, is enough to turn my stomach. when the hell are we going to stand up and tell all these wall street money grubbers,enough is ef**king nough. be grateful that the law doesnt allow us to come and tar & feather you, like you, and so many of your"associates " truly deserve. its time for our gov. to show that they actually have a backbone and tell these guys to get a grasp on the reality of the situation that this country face's.this is the time for all americans to stand up to the big corporations and big buisness. without our purchaseing of their products,or services these guys will go the way of the dinosaur. many of these companys are just TOO BIG !!! one hand does not seem to know what the other is doing, or just does'nt care. as long as the money roll's in ,it's just going to be buisness as usual for them,and the shaft for the rest of working america. so once again CALL OR WRITE to your "elected "rep's and let them know we are'nt going to take this kind of greed ,anymore.stand up and BITCH america,if we all yell loud enough, they'll hear us,and respond, or we'll kick them out of office and put in somebody that will [ I HOPE ] thats it for now ,until next time, I'm fury and I'm still REALLY,REALLY pissed off. later.

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