welcome to the rant and rave 22
well now, its been a long ass time since I posted a rant. I guess time just flowed away, and I just got complacent.. but 9+ years??? shit....and what brings me back, you ask? opinions...that's right opinions. everybody's got one, it seems, some have assload's. some good some not, but their yours, nevertheless....the problem I have, is you think they really matter, to ANYONE, but you. that's right, I guess I'm just old school..if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. yeah, my fucking ass. I'll call you out for bullshit, tell ya like it is. but by an large , the truth is I just don't give a shit about you, or your " opinion " if more people [ I use this term very, very, loosely ] would just shut the fuck up, and listen more, we damn sure would have better relations. but nooooouuuo..... with facebook, twitter, ect. you can spew forth your "opinions" into the nether regions, where others of like ilk will read and fawn. but wait.. aren"t you condeming the same action that your doing right now??? why, yes I am... that was one of the reasons this rant went dormant for so long. I felt somewhat at odds with my hatred of those who are on their fucking phones, ALL THE TIME....checking mail, texting [ and killing people ] surfing, playing games. again spewing forth an assload of useless shit into the air. social media is a misnomer, if ever there was. there seem's to be a lot more hate, and bullying and abuse.. but then it was always there, it just needs the cloak of anominity to come forth. it used to be that people would step in to help others, now they film it so they can post it.. this shit will be the death of us... so remember .. nobody REALLY gives a shit about your opinions, nor mine I'm sure. for now... I'm fury and i;m still pissed.