Friday, July 24, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 8

welcome back to the rant. today's rant: conceal carry permit's. I'm going to go out on a limb here, seeing as I'm a firm believer in the right to bear arm's.this is a topic that concerns me greatly.I fully believe that, ALL american citizens, have the right to carry a weapon for self defense. it's even more important in these days of random violence. in a close vote [58-39 we needed 60 to pass ] the senate has rejected a bill, that would allow inividuals with a conceal carry permit in one state to use that permit in all states that allow concealed carry. the right to defend yourself, is guaranteed in our constitution. I realize that this is a volatile issue on both sides of the aisle.those that wish for a peaceful resolution to their problems will never see the other point of view.that being said,its kind of hard to resolve anything peacefully,when theres a gun in your face,or a knife at your back. words won't help protect you at this point. however,if the perp. DOESN'T know if you have a gun or not, their going to be much more cautious in their attempt to rob or attack you. when they KNOW you don't have one, they face small chance of Resistance.this makes you a better target.the old adage "when guns are outlawed,only outlaws will have guns." is more true now then ever before, in our history. all it takes is for you to watch the nightly news in ANY city in america to see the violence that is playing out on our streets. gangs,and the violence,that they promote,continue to rise. they OPENLY brag of the things that they do, and have NO REMORSE, or regret about it. [watch "GANGLAND " on the history channel,for an in depth look at some of the worst of these gangs,and the crimes they if this is not a large enough problem, we have the"RANDOM" attacks of violence that the mentally disturbed inflict upon us. I KNOW, I KNOW, I hear all you hand wringers out there,if there were NO guns then there wouldnt be all the violence. BULLSHIT , PURE AND SIMPLE. just because they dont have a gun, doesnt mean they wont kick your ass, or stab you, or beat you with sticks, bats, or rocks. by the ordinary citizen packing a gun the chances are that you 'll see a decrease in the MASS violence. this doesnt mean all violence, thats NEVER gonna happen. if someone had a gun at the mcdonalds massacre the death toll probably would have been less. the same can be said for the attack at lubys in TX, or how about the VA.TECH assault? when we allow only criminals to carry guns, we open ourselves to these kind of attacks. if the perps,think their victims will SHOOT BACK,maybe they'll think twice,before they act. by the same token, the terrorist's that would attack our country have to take into consideration, that our population is heavily armed and will DAMN sure gun their dumb asses down. this is also to our benefit. violence will not stop these problems, but the fact that YOU may have a gun will at least make them think twice before they attack. remember, my friends BE PREPARED cause we all know, that someday trouble will come a knocking on your door. as always I'm fury and I'm still pissed....

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 7

welcome back to the we are, back on the economy again.todays rant: the housing market [or lack therof ]. in an article by luke mullen ,of the US news. the housing market iS STILL in major crisis mode. it seems the feet dragging ,of our "esteemed" leader's, in both the house and senate, continue to boggle the mind. for some reason that I just can' t understand,[maybe you can?] they REFUSE to acknowledge, the fact that the continued rise in foreclosures,in this country will undermine ALL efforts to pull us out of this recession. what the hell are these people thinking? even though, WE [ through our tax dollars ] have shelled out BILLIONS. [ its REALLY trillions!!! ][ another rant to follow ] the bulk of the money sent to banks to help bail out the homeowners of this nation has yet to be distributed. as the foreclosure numbers continue to climb,1.5 MIILION in the last 6 months, which by the way is a 15% increase over this time LAST year. that puts the total foreclosures at around 8-10 MILLION HOMES in the last 2+ call me crazy,but that sure as hell isn't a recovery. how can they expect builders to produce more homes,when the public can't even stay in the ones they have NOW? the glut of houses on the market keeps going up yet the production of new homes is at an all time low. result ? 25-35% unemployment in the construction industry.not to mention mfg.[ we continue to outsource more& more jobs ] supply,transportation,etc. solution? LOAN THE MONEY OUT!!!!! the whole point of this bullshit bailout was for the banks to LOAN the money to THE PEOPLE .in order to refinance the loans they had , and avoid default. and get us to spend more by generating loan program's for remodling /renovating existing homes, and increase jobs in the mfg . indutry. but nooooo. they are NOT doing that. some have already been caught using these funds to buy out ,or leverage other firms.they seem the be able to rapidly "pay back " these loans to get out from gov. oversight,yet we're STILL losing our homes at a staggering rate.the gov. needs to grab these weasel's by the short hairs, and squeeze until we get the results, THEY PROMISED that they would deliver, when they got the bailout money to start with. until all of the "financial insitutions" start to REALLY do their part the rest of america is going to suffer while the weasle's keep stealing from us. so do your part, CALL your local "elected" officials and BITCH about it, I assure you , that they, like ALL politicians when they think they may lose VOTES will ACTUALY do something about it. if we can't keep our homes , or our jobs,we damn sure won't vote for these idiots again. but what the hell ? by then we'll all be out on the streets as "the homeless" any way won't we!!!! I guess we can just squat on their lawns...or sleep in the doorways of the banks that ripped us off to start with. moral of the rant? THE RICH DON'T GIVE A SHIT BOUT US POOR FOLK at least until we run amuck,and kill em all..... until next time I'm fury and I'm still pissed .... later

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 6

welcome back to the rant,well we're gonna do a second rant today' as I just saw this on the web ,and am soooo!!!! pissed off I just got to vent on it. our fearless leader and his cronies,have REALLY stuck it to us this time. they just passed defence bill, S.1390 . and what you ask is this? well let me tell you. this good friends is the end of our PREMIRE,I repeat, OUR PREMIRE air to air defence fighter. this is a stealth fighter, that ONE ELSE, in the world can defend against. its fast,mach 2+, highly manuvererable, can carry ANYTHING in our air to air arsenal , is ALREADY being produced,and best of all NO ONE,repeat NO ONE can see it because its stealthy .as of today we have 187 of these planes. the original goal was to produce 250 - 380 of these planes to safely see us into the future,because we all know, that our fine friends, in the world are ALL ,so peaceful,.and just LOVE us sooo. much!! and just what do they want to replace it with? think REAL hard now! give up? a F**KING BOMBER. thats right, the f/35 a sloow,easy to shoot down, cause its slow, bomber .now granted it too ,is stealthy but IT'S A BOMBER. thats like bringing a knife to a gun fight. now if you follow the military at all you know that we already got a badass bomber in our inventory the FA/18 super hornet[ by the way FA stands for fighter/ attack ] that was kinda shoved down our throats,a few yr's back. now I grant ya its not stealthy,and we DO NEED to upgrade to the f/35, but to replace the FA/18 as a bomber. NOT the F/22. which is ment to replace the F/16 fighter. to match a bomber against a fighter,such as the mig 29. russia's BADASS fighter,is to invite disaster. we need to give our fighter jocks the BEST equipment to kick our enemys ass's soo hard they do like the IRAQI'S did and RUN to hide their planes rather than let us shoot them down.on top of all these reasons to keep on making these planes, the decision to cut prodution is going to cost over 90,000 that right 90,000 jobs. 25,000 in the building,and MORE THAN 70,000 in support jobs. these are jobs in some of the hardest hit states, during this recession. so here it comes,obama promise's jobs and turns around and just REAMS the SHIT out of us. moral of the story? ALL POLITICIANS ARE LYING CHEATING,WORTHLESS SHITS as always I'm fury and I'm still REALLY pissed off. for more on the main story read: senate sides with obama,by jim abrams a.p writer.

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welcome to the rant and rave 5

welcome back to the rant,todays subject:religion,or the stupidity of some. in an article written,by rob hotakanen today. I came to once again, cringe at the overall stupidity ,of american law and our court system. it seems that a few of the disgrunteled aatheists among us,in this case the FREEDOM FROM RELEGION FOUNDATION from Wis. have decided to sue the US gov. why do you ask? why ,because they want to put the US mantra" in God we trust" up on some gov. buildings. now I'm all for freedom of religion [or lack therof ].I personaly dont give a rats ass, what religion you want to belive in be it God, budda, shiva, Allah or whoever. thats what the 1st amendment is all about.if these dumbass fool's would even read the damn thing I wouldn't have ta bitch at them. but noooo.. these fools want to jam up our courts with their trivial BS if that's not bad enough the US gov is stupid enough to LET them do it. so now instead of dealing with REAL issues,our courts have to listen to this load of crap. oh by the way who get's to pay for this? why it's your tax dollars of course .we're ass deep in the worst ressesion since the end of WW 2, and these clowns want to waste our money on this shit.if you DONT LIKE the words in God we trust,GET THE F**K out of my country.too many of my brothers have fought and ,DIED for those words ,and there's a lot more of them out there,on the combat lines in AFGAN..and IRAQ. right now who are doing the same, for you worthless weasel's. it pain's, and gall's me to let you individuals [I REALLY want to call you something else,but will curb my tongue ] breath the same air as these brave men and women. if you don't want to belive in a higher power FINE,but keep yer ass out of the way of the rest of us who do. stop wasting our money on your petty BS and let us do something construcive with it. like maybe putting people back to work,and I'm not talking about lawyers [thats for another rant ] thats it for now. but remember,I'm fury and I'm still pissed. later

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Monday, July 20, 2009

welcome to the rant and rave 4

welcome back. todays rant will be short on one subject[maybe]and long on another. M.J I know I know.dont get me wrong here. I RESPECT the man. he was one hell of a talented individual.a little strange to be sure,but what truly talented artist isn't.even elvis[god rest his soul ] was a strange duck.I guess it comes with all the pressure of being a TRUE superstar,not a legend in your own mind.this being said,enough of the bulls**t hype about his death.ya can't turn on the tv,computer, or radio,and not hear his life story....FOR THE 1,000 th TIME. let the man rest for at least a month before you ,make everyone hate even hearing his name.....nuff said. back to political bs. womens softball. I can hear ya'll out there ,going what the f**k? well here it goes. the I.O.C[intrnat'l olympic comm.] has taken the sport off the list of 26 events for the 2012 games.Why do you ask ? simple cause we [the us of a ] generaly kick the shit out of EVERYBODY in the world in compition.our last loss was to japan in the last games. they got the gold, we got silver.never the less they still felt that "we dominate the field too much". if thats the case we better loss the basketball games too,cause we kick the shit outa the world there too.or maybe take away the diving cause the chinese dominate that about losing the hockey? dont the russians seem to dominate that sport? once again , just bescause the US. can rip people a new one, in a sport the world wants to riegn us in . to me this sounds like days of old where the soviet block ALWAYS gave the US bad marks in whatever sport they [LOL]"judged".if you feel like I do you can find out more at BACKSOFTBALL.COM . if we all bitch about it, we may get it back for the 2016 games. don't we owe it to ALL the girls that play this game to show that we support their efforts. not to mention the world at large,that they can't shit on us just because we're better at a game than they are? these girls are TOUGH, [they play in shorts ] if you think its easy to slide into base in shorts look at the road rash some of these girls pickup. the skill to hit a fast pitch softball is'nt easy to aquire and takes as much work and dedication as any baseball player puts in to hone his skill's,the ball comes at you at 60-65 mph from 60 ft. thats the same as a major league fast ball at 100 mph from 90 ft. so lets start to bitch to our "elected" official's ,and put the squeeze on the I.O.C , and get our girls back out on the field. I'm fury and I'm still pissed later. ps. the gals just beat the world again ...usa over the aussie's in the KFC world championships.. final talley usa won 5 games to 0 losses thats kicking ASS... fury.

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